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The Unites States of America was in the great depression during the late 1920's and the people in America had a very hard time with employment. The people who were affected by the unemployment during the great depression was almost every person in America. The people that weren't very affected by this is most of the farmers and some of the very rich people. In the year 1938 the job percentage was 19.1 and in that same year it dropped down to 12.5 percent. In the year 1930 there were 123 milliion Americans and in the year 1933 24.9% didnt have jobs which was a total of 11,385,000 people. in one month in the year 1933 there were already 5,389,000 people without jobs. On October 24, 1929 the stock market crashed, most people say this is when the great depression started. The countries that were effected by the unemployment were France, Germany, Australia, and United Kingdom. 127,000 jobs needed to be made in a month in order things to not get worse. The other people that were effected were the people that had their stocks in the stock market,becasue they had stocks in the market crashed and they lost money. A 1940 servey revealed that 1.5 million married women had been abandoned by there hustbuands.
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