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Unemployment During Great Deppression





  1. Who? 
    1. What?
    2.      What happened to the unemployment during the great depression, well depresion struck the countries with market economies at the end of the 1920's. the united states had it the worst because when the economies went down 25% of people lost their jobs and couldn't support their families. the only nway to support your family was by working for a farmer and getting paid in food and little money. basically a lot of people starved and passed away those years because it was the beggining of the great depression. Some people even got so hungry and so frustrated they over threw the farms and took the food. The unemployment started when the stockmarket crashed thwen everything came down and bussiness started closeing and that is what resulted the unemployment. The pecentage of unemployment was 23.7%.Which is two three time bigger then the unemployment rate right now. there was an economic boom that shot the united states into great depression. The united states was already in a bad ecnomy but when the stock market crashed it made it tens times worse and a lot of people thought that it was done on purpose for a typical reason, but no one can find out why so far.
      1. Where?
    3.      The United States of America was not the only country that fought with the troubles of the unemployment.The other countries that were effected by the unemployment were France, Germany, Australia, and United Kingdom. The unemployment was a world wide economic decline. The countries that were hurt exported raw materials and they were hurt. The worst point in  the United Stated in 1933 when more that 15 million americans were unemployed. That is one fourth of the labor in the United States. In Canada was also hit very hard during the great depression. The unemployment rate during stayed below 12% until World War Two. In Austraila wages fell and the unemployment was almost at 32% in the year 1931. France did not suffer ast bad as Canada, U.S.A., and Germany but they also didnt rely on trade unemployment as the other countries.
      1. When?
      2. When the unemployment happened was when the great depression started which was in the 1920s. When it started in 1929 it was on the lowest percentages was in the 1929 it was around 5%. The unemployment rised up fast and didnt lower fast the highest point of unemployment was in 1933 it was higher then 25%. Which higher then our rate right now. One of the main cause was cause the wall street crash in October which lead to the massive unemployment rate. Thanks to this a bunch of factorys closed and had to lay off workers. Some company didnt have workers so they had to cut their matirelas they exported. The intrest rates rose and the effected the house building so construction workers were laid off and also the genarl security was effected by this.


     The Unites States of America was in the great depression during the late 1920's and the people in America had a very hard time with employment. The people who were affected by the unemployment during the great depression was almost every person in America. The people that weren't very affected by this is most of the farmers and some of the very rich people. In the year 1938 the job percentage was 19.1 and in that same year it dropped down to 12.5 percent. In the year 1930 there were 123 milliion Americans and in the year 1933 24.9% didnt have jobs which was a total of 11,385,000 people. in one month in the year 1933 there were already 5,389,000 people without jobs.  127,000 jobs needed to be made in a month in order things to not get worse. The other people that were effected were the people that had their stocks in the stock market,becasue they had stocks in the market crashed and they lost money. A 1940 servey revealed that 1.5 million married women  had been abandoned by there hustbuands.



  1. Who? 
    1. What?
    2.      What happened to the unemployment during the great depression, well depresion struck the countries with market economies at the end of the 1920's. the united states had it the worst because when the economies went down 25% of people lost their jobs and couldn't support their families. the only nway to support your family was by working for a farmer and getting paid in food and little money. basically a lot of people starved and passed away those years because it was the beggining of the great depression. Some people even got so hungry and so frustrated they over threw the farms and took the food. The unemployment started when the stockmarket crashed thwen everything came down and bussiness started closeing and that is what resulted the unemployment. The pecentage of unemployment was 23.7%.Which is two three time bigger then the unemployment rate right now. there was an economic boom that shot the united states into great depression. The united states was already in a bad ecnomy but when the stock market crashed it made it tens times worse and a lot of people thought that it was done on purpose for a typical reason, but no one can find out why so far.
      1. Where?
    3.      The United States of America was not the only country that fought with the troubles of the unemployment.The other countries that were effected by the unemployment were France, Germany, Australia, and United Kingdom. The unemployment was a world wide economic decline. The countries that were hurt exported raw materials and they were hurt. The worst point in  the United Stated in 1933 when more that 15 million americans were unemployed. That is one fourth of the labor in the United States. In Canada was also hit very hard during the great depression. The unemployment rate during stayed below 12% until World War Two. In Austraila wages fell and the unemployment was almost at 32% in the year 1931. France did not suffer ast bad as Canada, U.S.A., and Germany but they also didnt rely on trade unemployment as the other countries.
      1. When?
      2. When the unemployment happened was when the great depression started which was in the 1920s. When it started in 1929 it was on the lowest percentages was in the 1929 it was around 5%. The unemployment rised up fast and didnt lower fast the highest point of unemployment was in 1933 it was higher then 25%. Which higher then our rate right now. One of the main cause was cause the wall street crash in October which lead to the massive unemployment rate. Thanks to this a bunch of factorys closed and had to lay off workers. Some company didnt have workers so they had to cut their matirelas they exported. The intrest rates rose and the effected the house building so construction workers were laid off and also the genarl security was effected by this.


     What happened to the unemployment during the great depression, well depresion struck the countries with market economies at the end of the 1920's. the united states had it the worst because when the economies went down 25% of people lost their jobs and couldn't support their families. the only nway to support your family was by working for a farmer and getting paid in food and little money. basically a lot of people starved and passed away those years because it was the beggining of the great depression. Some people even got so hungry and so frustrated they over threw the farms and took the food. The unemployment started when the stockmarket crashed thwen everything came down and bussiness started closeing and that is what resulted the unemployment. The pecentage of unemployment was 23.7%.Which is two three time bigger then the unemployment rate right now. there was an economic boom that shot the united states into great depression. The united states was already in a bad ecnomy but when the stock market crashed it made it tens times worse and a lot of people thought that it was done on purpose for a typical reason, but no one can find out why so far.


  1. Who? 
    1. What?
    2.      What happened to the unemployment during the great depression, well depresion struck the countries with market economies at the end of the 1920's. the united states had it the worst because when the economies went down 25% of people lost their jobs and couldn't support their families. the only nway to support your family was by working for a farmer and getting paid in food and little money. basically a lot of people starved and passed away those years because it was the beggining of the great depression. Some people even got so hungry and so frustrated they over threw the farms and took the food. The unemployment started when the stockmarket crashed thwen everything came down and bussiness started closeing and that is what resulted the unemployment. The pecentage of unemployment was 23.7%.Which is two three time bigger then the unemployment rate right now. there was an economic boom that shot the united states into great depression. The united states was already in a bad ecnomy but when the stock market crashed it made it tens times worse and a lot of people thought that it was done on purpose for a typical reason, but no one can find out why so far.
      1. Where?
    3.      The United States of America was not the only country that fought with the troubles of the unemployment.The other countries that were effected by the unemployment were France, Germany, Australia, and United Kingdom. The unemployment was a world wide economic decline. The countries that were hurt exported raw materials and they were hurt. The worst point in  the United Stated in 1933 when more that 15 million americans were unemployed. That is one fourth of the labor in the United States. In Canada was also hit very hard during the great depression. The unemployment rate during stayed below 12% until World War Two. In Austraila wages fell and the unemployment was almost at 32% in the year 1931. France did not suffer ast bad as Canada, U.S.A., and Germany but they also didnt rely on trade unemployment as the other countries.
      1. When?
      2. When the unemployment happened was when the great depression started which was in the 1920s. When it started in 1929 it was on the lowest percentages was in the 1929 it was around 5%. The unemployment rised up fast and didnt lower fast the highest point of unemployment was in 1933 it was higher then 25%. Which higher then our rate right now. One of the main cause was cause the wall street crash in October which lead to the massive unemployment rate. Thanks to this a bunch of factorys closed and had to lay off workers. Some company didnt have workers so they had to cut their matirelas they exported. The intrest rates rose and the effected the house building so construction workers were laid off and also the genarl security was effected by this.


     The United States of America was not the only country that fought with the troubles of the unemployment.The other countries that were effected by the unemployment were France, Germany, Australia, and United Kingdom. The unemployment was a world wide economic decline. The countries that were hurt exported raw materials and they were hurt. The worst point in  the United Stated in 1933 when more that 15 million americans were unemployed. That is one fourth of the labor in the United States. In Canada was also hit very hard during the great depression. The unemployment rate during stayed below 12% until World War Two. In Austraila wages fell and the unemployment was almost at 32% in the year 1931. France did not suffer ast bad as Canada, U.S.A., and Germany but they also didnt rely on trade unemployment as the other countries.

  1. Who? 
    1. What?
    2.      What happened to the unemployment during the great depression, well depresion struck the countries with market economies at the end of the 1920's. the united states had it the worst because when the economies went down 25% of people lost their jobs and couldn't support their families. the only nway to support your family was by working for a farmer and getting paid in food and little money. basically a lot of people starved and passed away those years because it was the beggining of the great depression. Some people even got so hungry and so frustrated they over threw the farms and took the food. The unemployment started when the stockmarket crashed thwen everything came down and bussiness started closeing and that is what resulted the unemployment. The pecentage of unemployment was 23.7%.Which is two three time bigger then the unemployment rate right now. there was an economic boom that shot the united states into great depression. The united states was already in a bad ecnomy but when the stock market crashed it made it tens times worse and a lot of people thought that it was done on purpose for a typical reason, but no one can find out why so far.
      1. Where?
    3.      The United States of America was not the only country that fought with the troubles of the unemployment.The other countries that were effected by the unemployment were France, Germany, Australia, and United Kingdom. The unemployment was a world wide economic decline. The countries that were hurt exported raw materials and they were hurt. The worst point in  the United Stated in 1933 when more that 15 million americans were unemployed. That is one fourth of the labor in the United States. In Canada was also hit very hard during the great depression. The unemployment rate during stayed below 12% until World War Two. In Austraila wages fell and the unemployment was almost at 32% in the year 1931. France did not suffer ast bad as Canada, U.S.A., and Germany but they also didnt rely on trade unemployment as the other countries.
      1. When?
      2. When the unemployment happened was when the great depression started which was in the 1920s. When it started in 1929 it was on the lowest percentages was in the 1929 it was around 5%. The unemployment rised up fast and didnt lower fast the highest point of unemployment was in 1933 it was higher then 25%. Which higher then our rate right now. One of the main cause was cause the wall street crash in October which lead to the massive unemployment rate. Thanks to this a bunch of factorys closed and had to lay off workers. Some company didnt have workers so they had to cut their matirelas they exported. The intrest rates rose and the effected the house building so construction workers were laid off and also the genarl security was effected by this.


When the unemployment happened was when the great depression started which was in the 1920s. When it started in 1929 it was on the lowest percentages was in the 1929 it was around 5%. The unemployment rised up fast and didnt lower fast the highest point of unemployment was in 1933 it was higher then 25%. Which higher then our rate right now. One of the main cause was cause the wall street crash in October which lead to the massive unemployment rate. Thanks to this a bunch of factorys closed and had to lay off workers. Some company didnt have workers so they had to cut their matirelas they exported. The intrest rates rose and the effected the house building so construction workers were laid off and also the genarl security was effected by this.




This picture was taken during the great depression when it was vey hard for people to get jobs.


















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