
Who was he?
Herbert Hoover was born on August 10, 1874, he died on October 20, 1964. He was the 31st president, and he was the last president whos term ended on march 3rd. He grew up in Oregon. He enrolled at Stanford University when it opened in 1891, graduating as a mining engineer. at Stanford he married Lou Henry. When they went to china Hoover worked for a private corporation as China's leading engineer.
What has he done?
Herbert Hoover became chairman of the American Relief Commission in Belgium in 1915-19. Then in 1917, Woodrow Wilson appointed Herbert Hoover as the national food administrator, which meant he was responsible for distributing 18,500,000 tons of food to the allies.
In 1920 warden harding appointed Hoover as his secretary of commerce. During the next seven years Hoover had a lot to do with the successful growth in the economy. When Calvin Coolidge decided not to run in 1928, hoover won the republican party nomination. Then in October 1929, The Wall Street crash happened, which put a great depression in Amercian history. Herbert Hoover was slow to provide federal help to farmers and refused to help unemployed people in urban areas.
Where has he been?
Herbert Hoover was born in an Iowa village, he grew up in Oregon.
He celebrated his 40th birthday in London, one week after Germany declared war on France. The american counsel general asked Herbert Hoover to help in getting stranded tourists home. In six weeks his committee helped 120,000 americans return to the United States..
when did he die/get out of office?
Herbert Hoover died at the age of 90. Before he died he got married to Miss Lou Henry in 1899 and had two kids the first Herbert Jr. born in London of 1903, The second child was Allan also born in London of 1907. Both kids are deceased rite now. Herbert Hoover was the 31st president March 4th to March 4th 1933. Herbert was an orphan as a child so his uncle raised him in Oregon. After he had leaft his uncles he went to Standford University where he met his soon to be wife Lou Henry. When he graduated he started to work on industrial projects in many differnt countrys.
essential questions:
Essential question #1. How is Herbert Hoover related to the great depression?
Herbert Hoover was president at the time of our country's worst depression in history. Many people considered him a do-nothing president because he passed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. Raising tariffs was one of the worst things that could've been done, because of this movement many people considered Hoover as a do-nothing president. Thus, it's not that Hoover was a do-nothing president, it's that he intervened in exactly the wrong way.
essential question #2.why is the topic significant or important to understand the great depession?
Herbert Hoover is important to our topic because during world war one he organized the war effort and gave troops good supplies and a good transportation to get home from the war. Many amercians found him a good manager and to be resourceful presidant. After just eight months in office, on Oct,29 1929, the stock market crashed fueling a depression that become know as the worst crisis in amercia. After the crash, Herbert Hoover ordered ferdal deparments to speed up constution projects and cut $160 million in taxes and doubled the amount spent on public works. By 1993, one-fourth of amercian workers were now laid off or unemployed. Hoover was criticized on not passing great relife programs help the sufferage and hunger of many amercians, his unwillingness to use federal dollars to help the nations economy.
Videos of Herbert Hoover: Herbert Hoover-a documentary. Hoover announces his 1931 stimulus plan.
works cited:
1. "Herbert C. Hoover Biography." iHoover biography and infrormation. Version 1. N.p., 15 July 2009. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <>.
2. the white house. "Herbert Hoover | The White House." The White House. Version 1. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <
3. Kelly, Martin. "Herbert Hoover Biography - Thirty-First President of the United States." American History From About. Version 1. guide, n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. <
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