
The Dust Bowl By Chelsea

Page history last edited by chelsea.wilkes@... 13 years, 2 months ago



Where Did the Dust Bowl Happen?

The Dust Bowl took place in Southeastern Colorado, Southwest Kansas, and the panhandles of Oklahoma and Texas. The Dust Bowl mostly happened in Kansas (Bill Ganzel). Though, most of the country was some how affected by this large dust storm.



 dustbowlmap.gif (14174 bytes)




Essential Question 1: How the dust bowl is related to the Great Depression

The Dust Bowl was one of the great causes of the Great Depression. When bank loans went bad, credit dried up, and banks closed across the country and the Dust Bowl started. Their were barely any crops to eat, let alone buy, because people all across the country lost their job to the Great Depression. The dust storm helped ruin crops and the economy ("Great Depression, what happened and how it compares with today").





September 22, 2011.


Works Cited


"Dust Bowl Great Depression." Causes Of The Great Depression, Timelines. Lockbox Marketing Group, 2011. Web. 22 September.       2011. http://www.thegreatdepressioncauses.com/dust-bowl.html.


Ganzel, Bill. "The Dust Bowl of the 1930s." The Wessels Living History Farm, the Story of Agricultural Innovation. Ganzel Group, 2003. Web. 22. September.       2011. http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe30s/water_02.html.




To find out:

What, Why and Who cares: The Dust Bowl by Hawah Kallon

Who and Essential Question 2: The Dust Bowl By Liz W

When and How: Dust Bowl by Aubreana



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