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Jessicas Page Dorothea Lange

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Saved by jessica
on September 29, 2011 at 1:29:02 pm

Dorothea Lange Career

She was educated in photography in New York. She was taught by Mr. White. She moved to San Francisco in 1918. With in a year she had a successful portrait studio. She lived across the bay in Berkley for the rest of her life. She was married in 1920 to a noted wester painter Maynard Dixson. She had two sons one was born in 1925 and the other in 1929. The oldest was named Daniel and the youngest was named John. When the Great Depression started she stooped taking pictures of stuff on the inside of her studio and pointed her camera to the streets. Her studies of the unemployment and the homeless captured other photographers.








Beginning of career


That led her to get employed by the federal resettlement administration (RA) later known as the farm security administration (FCA).  In December of 1935 she divorced Dixon. She remarried an agricultural economist. Her new husbands name was Paul Taylor. Together they documented rural poverty and migrant labors for the next five years. Her husband was interviewing and taking economic data while she took pictures. From 1935 and 1939 she worked for the RA and FCA brought the plight of the poor and forgotten. Well the one picture that she is famouse for taking is the migrant mother and she talked about her experience taking this photo.    That led her to get employed by the federal resettlement administration (RA) later known as the farm security administration (FCA).  In December of 1935 she divorced Dixon. She remarried an agricultural economist. Her new husbands name was Paul Taylor. Together they documented rural poverty and migrant labors for the next five years. Her husband was interviewing and taking economic data while she took pictures. From 1935 and 1939 she worked for the RA and FCA brought the plight of the poor and forgotten. Well the one picture that she is famouse for taking is the migrant mother and she talked about her experience taking this photo.








Middle of Career

 In 1941 she was awarded guggenheim fellowship for excelince in photography. After the attack on pearl harbor she gave up she gave up the award to record the forced evaluation of Japaness Americans. She covered the rounding up of them and the internment in relocation camps, hilights Mazanar the first of the first permenent internment camps








End of Career








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